Thursday, November 18, 2010

Regarding The Recent John and Mike Equality Gagon-Eversoll Mageochagáin Mageochagáin-Eversoll Drama

I received this email yesterday:
Please take down the recent post with my long name in it. This involves a court custody battle and this may be constitute harm to the case which may require a subpoena of the owner of this blog. I understand the purpose of the site. But this is much more than mud slings between two lovers, this involves several legal issues regarding cohabitation abuse, assault, custody and other possible legal violations which I would rather spare your involvement in. I also recommend taking out the picture of the girl in this photo entirely.

-- Eowyn: I fear neither death nor pain. Aragorn: What do you fear, my lady? Eoywyn: A cage.
I was surprised to learn that this involves a court custody battle and "may be constitute" harm to the case which may require a subpoena of the owner of this blog. I thought it was just a screen cap I found on the web.


  1. so the post in question stays up, then? LOL

    please, if it were so srs, then they shouldn't have been posting it on The Book Of Faces to begin with.

    I love how he phrases the request though, as if he's doing you a favor by recommending that you take it down. Attorney at LOL indeed
