Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bad Bear Profiles

Wayne flounces from Bad Bear Profiles. He is called on his flounce. He doesn't like it. Things really pick up when lunatic DJ Mad Adam weighs in.


  1. Old. Recycled. Boring. You're boring.

  2. Really?? are you that strapped for material, that you have to bring up a Live Journal post from over two years ago? Whatever.. thing is, I still stand behind what I'd said at the time. Do what you have to do.

    Wayne K.
    Today, 4:32

  3. The short answer is "Yes."

    What can I say? It's been slow around here lately.

  4. Ok, so I have a question about this site. Why are all the post basiclly done the same day/week, but when you look at the source material some of it dates back to PRE 9/11.

    Honestly What type of loser takes the time to search though everyone Live Journals and Facebook posts to put this stuff up. Do something fun on the internet. Like look at porn, talk to guys, get a life.

    Also on that note, what kind of friend screen grabs their friends sites? I know for a fact that a couple of the people on here, only make friends only posting on LJ and FB only allows to see walls if they are a friend.

  5. If you are unhappy with the drama you see here, please submit drama that is more to your liking!

  6. You provided the wrong link to my lunacy. This one goes to the LJ cat_macros community.

    I think you meant to point people here, particularly the ban_set thread.
