Wednesday, March 23, 2011

And Just So We're Clear

According to Kevyn Jacobs:

Voted for Obama? Babykiller!

Actual babykiller? I'm so proud!

I Don't Know A Single Person That Got HIV From Sipping Tea, Or Whatever

In a nutshell, John Wagner thinks that it was better when HIV infection was an instant death sentence. Because now that HIV positive people are living longer, they have more time to spread their disease. That's no longer an instant death sentence. Or something.

And his partner Benjamin Jeanotte thinks there will never be a cure, because "the powers the [sic] be WANT IT TO SPREAD".

Warning: serious abuses of English ahead.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Attention SF Bay Area

This isn't drama so much as a heads-up.

Jeremy "Jay" Duer has a criminal history, with warrants out for his arrest. After his ex-boyfriend issued a restraining order against him, Jay broke into and robbed his apartment. Then Jay robbed a friend who let him stay in his apartment.

Jay was last seen out in San Francisco. If this guy is sleeping on your couch or in your guest room, you might want to rethink that shit.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011