Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Just Give It A Stir

Another email sent to me:
You know, I am so deep in this shit I will never get out, so I thought at the very least I'd amuse some third parties. :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: JH 
Date: Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: fuck you
To: john.gagon@gmail.com

And on that note, I am issuing a restraining order against the both of you.

Have a good evening.

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 7:04 PM, John Gagon
john.gagon@gmail.com wrote:
I don't want your stinky ass. it wasn't just a
bowl of soup. it was dinner for your whole
fucking party of 8 over 100$ and I was
giving you charity sex. you are not in my
league and I can't even get a half hardon
for you. Proof you fucking lie and bend the
truth. Aspie what now? aspies don't lie. you
watch yourself at night. I know where you

--Eowyn: I fear neither death nor pain.
Aragorn: What do you fear, my lady?
Eoywyn: A cage.


  1. you know, while JD may be just as bad as Mike and John, you gotta give him props for at least finding the deliciousness in all of this drama, and providing a link to it close to the source.

  2. Oh this will be Epic Drama in DC. JD is viewed as an ASSburger verbal nuisance already in the DC bear community. This will put him Down on the Same Level as Notorious Cub Roy Omar the Under employed I'll Fuck anything for a Hamburger GRIDS Dispenser

  3. *yawn* figures. Welcome back to virginity again JD! Behind every drama is a dirty ass pie.

  4. Just noticing JD isn't putting his own email address out there. how much else got edited?

  5. He didn't put Eric's in there either. Shhhh! The three little syphillis bears are trying to be syphisticated.

  6. Thanks for the Shout out McNasty
